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著名的张家界武陵源风景区在继1998年因“城市化倾向”而遭联合国教科文组织官员的尖锐批评之后。最近,又因“运营悬崖观光电梯”建筑硬伤的增多而遭到联合国官员的再度质疑(见9月5日《南方周末》)。 The famous Wulingyuan Scenic Area of ​​Zhangjiajie was following the sharp criticism by UNESCO officials following the “urbanization tendency” in 1998. Recently, it was re-questioned by UN officials (see “Southern Weekend” on September 5) because of the increase in flaws in the operation of the cliff-viewing elevator.
残疾人自强自立,就要融入社会。除了自己的能力外,既有机遇的成分,也有大环境的改善,但最关键的是自己要争取,要有为残疾人争口气的信心。——主人公语 Persons with disabi
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目的:笔者检测了血压正常的孩子和高血压患儿的肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)的活性。试验设计:让27 例高血压患儿(12例肾血管性高血压患儿和15例原发性高血压患儿)和32例血压正
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Two new isoflavonoids, 6-methoxy-5,7,8,4’-tetrahydryoxyisoflavone (1) and 4’-methoxy -5,6-dihydroxyisoflavone-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (2), were isolated from
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本文从三个方面就新一轮课程改革下的中学化学教师应具备的素质,做了初步探索。 This article from three aspects of the new round of curriculum reform in secondary sc