
来源 :诊断病理学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xp1987627
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患者女性,58岁。9个月前无明显诱因出现心慌、胸闷,3个月前确诊为强直性脊柱炎,此后症状反复且逐渐加重。近日以行走不畅、双下肢无力就诊。血清学检查:IgM 1.03g/L,IgG 7.60 g/L,IgA 0.94 g/L,C4补体0.22 g/L,C3补体1 g/L均正常范围。尿酸727μmol/L、CA125 173.1 U/ml和CA199 134.3 U/ml均明显高于正常。血红蛋白90 g/l、红细胞3.13×1012/L均低于正常。胸部CT示双侧后胸膜及沿脊柱旁走行胸膜不均匀明显增厚,双侧胸腔可见积液影。右 Patient female, 58 years old. 9 months ago, there was no obvious incentive to palpitation, chest tightness, 3 months ago diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis, since then symptoms gradually and gradually increased. Recently to poor walking, weakness in lower extremity treatment. Serological examination: IgM 1.03g / L, IgG 7.60 g / L, IgA 0.94 g / L, C4 complement 0.22 g / L, C3 complement 1 g / L were normal range. Uric acid 727μmol / L, CA125 173.1 U / ml and CA199 134.3 U / ml were significantly higher than normal. Hemoglobin 90 g / l, red blood cells 3.13 × 1012 / L were lower than normal. Chest CT showed bilateral posterior pleura and pleurodesis along the spine along the line was significantly thicker, bilateral pleural effusion can be seen. right