清代皇帝皆、末代皇帝溥儀除外、世祖(順治)德宗(光緒)九朝后妃数御霊屋数合計214人世祖(順治)31人、聖祖(康熙)55人、世宗(雍正)24人、高宗(乾隆)41人、仁宗(嘉慶)17人、宣宗(道光)20人、文宗(咸豐)18人、穆宗(同治)5人、德宗(光緒)3人。 清代各朝偶偶皇后廃黜、妃嬪級下就中目立宣宗(道光)朝。道
Excluding Emperor Pu Yi of the Qing Dynasty and Emperor Pu Yi of the Qing Dynasty, the number of Imperial Concubines in the nine dynasties of Shih Tzu (Shunzhi) totaled 214, including 31 for Shizu (Shunzhi), 55 for Shengzu (Kangxi), 24 for Sejong (Yongzheng) 41 of Gaozong (Qianlong), 17 of Renzong (Jiaqing), 20 of Xuanzong (Daoguang), 18 of Wenzong (Xianfeng), 5 of Muzong (Tongzhi) and 3 of Dezong (Guangxu). In the Qing dynasty even Ouyang Queen 廃 黜, concubine level under the eyes of the establishment of Xuan Zong (Daoguang) North Korea. Road