Altered pharmacokinetics of zalcitabine by concurrent use of NSAIDs in rats

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:laozhoudehua
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Aim:To investigate the pharmacokinetic interactions between zalcitabine andnonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in rats.Methods:Zalcitabinewas administered to rats via an iv injection (20 mg/kg) in the presence or absenceof ketoprofen or naproxen (20 mg/kg),and the pharmacokinetic parameters weredetermined by using non-compartmental analysis.Results:Compared with thecontrol (zalcitabine alone),pretreatment with ketoprofen or naproxen 30 min priorto intravenous administration of zalcitabine significantly altered the pharmacoki-netic profiles of zalcitabine in rats.Renal clearance of zalcitabine was reduced byapproximately 3-4-fold in the presence of ketoprofen or naproxen.Consequently,systemic exposure (AUC) to zalcitabine in the rats pretreated with ketoprofen ornaproxen was significantly greater than that for the control group given zalcitabinealone.The terminal plasma half-life of zalcitabine was also prolonged by 4-5-foldin the presence of ketoprofen or naproxen.Conclusion:The NSAIDs ketoprofenand naproxen effectively altered the pharmacokinetics of zalcitabine.Therefore,concomitant use of ketoprofen or naproxen in patients being treated with zalcitabinemay necessitate close monitoring for potential drug interactions. Aim: To investigate the pharmacokinetic interactions between zalcitabine and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in rats. Methods: Zalcitabine was administered to rats via an iv injection (20 mg / kg) in the presence or absence of ketoprofen or naproxen (20 mg / kg) , and the pharmacokinetic parameters were determined by using non-compartmental analysis. Results: Compared with the control (zalcitabine alone), pretreatment with ketoprofen or naproxen 30 min priorto intravenous administration of zalcitabine significantly altered the pharmacoki-netic profiles of zalcitabine in rats. Renal clearance of zalcitabine was reduced byapproximately 3-4-fold in the presence of ketoprofen or naproxen. Conclusion, systemic exposure (AUC) to zalcitabine in the rats pretreated with ketoprofen ornaproxen was significantly greater than that for the control group given zalcitabinealone. the terminal plasma half- life of zalcitabine was also prolonged by 4-5-fold in the presence of ketoprofen or naproxen. Confclusion: The NSAIDs ketoprofen and naproxen effectively altered the pharmacokinetics of zalcitabine.Therefore, concomitant use of ketoprofen or naproxen in patients being treated with zalcitabinemay necessitate close monitoring for potential drug interactions.
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1964年,人民的好书记焦裕禄积劳成疾、殉职兰考时,焦跃进作为焦裕禄的第二个儿子刚刚6岁。 虽然,焦跃进时父亲还没有完整的印象,但母亲和他们兄弟姐妹六个子女撕心裂肺的痛
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7月20日,中国黑龙江省哈尔滨市中级人民法院开庭审理原哈尔滨市发改委副主任张明杰贪污、受贿、滥用职权等三项指控。由于张明杰系加拿大籍华裔歌手曲婉婷之母,曲婉婷又系现任温哥华市长罗品信女友,这一事件引发了热议。  曲婉婷眼中的张明杰  现年59岁的张明杰有两个人生角色:母亲和官员。她在这两个角色中展露出相同的性格:强势。  在歌手曲婉婷眼中,母亲张明杰的形象是这样的:朴素、坚忍、能干,头发很短,不烫