(六) 干扰信号的识辨焊缝表面形状和结构形式比较复杂,易于产生各种形式的干扰信号,这些信号在荧光屏幕上的显示和真正的缺陷信号混杂在一起,必然增加识辨的困难。因此,干扰信号的识辨也是影响能否正确评价焊缝质量的重要因素。
(VI) Identification of Interference Signals The shape and structure of the weld surface are complicated and prone to produce various forms of interference signals. These signals are confused with the true defect signals on the fluorescent screen and inevitably increase the difficulty of identification . Therefore, the identification of interference signals is also an important factor affecting the correct evaluation of weld quality.