【摘 要】
We are at a crucial historic period when the turn of the millennium is over. At the turn of the millennium, there are many major changes in the macroeconomic situation that have brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of the regional economy. As an economically underdeveloped area, Funing County should follow the new situation, make efforts to realize the rapid economic and social development and meet the new challenges in an innovative spirit. Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: "Innovation is a nation
中国加入WTO的主要障碍已经排除 ,“入世”近期内可望实现。这对我国的经济、社会、人的观念都将产生深刻影响 ,对县域经济的发展同样具有较大的影响。因而 ,在发展县域经济的过
用改良的 Essen-M(?)ller 卵性简便诊断法,研究17对双生子和一产3胎所见的精神分裂症发病情况。MZ 的判断正确性达96%以上,从发病一致率中显示 MZ 有高于 DZ 的趋势,表明精神
VeregenlM and Fulyzaq are the first two botanical drug products that were approved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA)to market in the US in recent years.A
Transmissions of oblique incident wave from a row of rectangular piles are analyzed theoretically. The incident angle of plane wave is taken as , there then is
Tongue diagnosis is one of
Remarkable and repeatable negative differential resistance (NDR) phenomenon was observed in a metal-polymer-metal structure diode based on bishexyloxy-divinyl-b
本刊讯 第三届“海峡儿童阅读论坛”暨“林良作品研讨会”于9月17-19日在北京召开。这是一次大型的综合性活动,活动丰富,层次分明,以福建厦门籍作家、台湾著名儿童文学作家林良先生的作品为中心,感性品悟、作品细读与学术研讨相结合,全方位展示、评价林良作品的经典性。 活动由福建少年儿童出版社、(台湾)海峡两岸儿童文学研究会与北师大基础教育合作办学部儿童阅读研究中心共同主办,由北师大亚太实验学校承办。以