The density of β-adrenergic receptor (βR) on suppressor T cells (TS) in chronic progressive multiple sclerosis (CPMS) is increased. The authors investigated the role of high-affinity βR in CPMS patients and normal individuals (NL) in responding to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) responses in non-granular leukocyte subsets. CD8βR was found to have a density of 1930 receptors / cell in CPMS compared to only 1020 receptors / cell in NL (t (18) = 2.73, P <0.02). Monocytes, B cells and CD4 cells. There was no difference in βR density between the two groups. The increase in βR density on CD_8 cells in CPMS was entirely due to the increased number of high-affinity receptors. In CPMS, CD_8 lymphocytes have a CAMP basal level of 7.8 pmol / 10 to 6 cells compared to 3.5 pmol / 10 to 6 cells in NL. Isoproterenol (iso-