People have noticed that there has been a huge increase in the number of people in the advanced industrial society, such as engineers and technicians. In the meantime, the professional skills of workers have been rising in the past 20 years. Therefore, it is increasingly impossible to explain the changes that have taken place in our eyes simply by dividing the functions of labor into manual and mental work. Within a labor collective, various new functions arise as computers or industrial devices are computerized. In the distribution of these new functions, there is obviously no technical fatalism. This is illustrated by the example of a CNC machine. Recently, a team of the Institute of Economics and Labor Sociology compared the use of CNC machine tools in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. The comparison shows that some of the results produced by NC machine tools are the same in production, but the result is very different in the changes of social strata in different countries. The German education system does not divide schools and businesses like France did