
来源 :中国消毒学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanmh
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目的研究多维电极消毒法处理医院污水的消毒效果。方法采用现场抽样检测方法对医院污水处理效果进行了评价。结果选用表面涂有钌、铱、铂等贵金属氧化物的网状钛板作阳极,不锈钢板作阴极,在电压30 V、电流密度6 mA/cm2、水停留时间15 min、空气流量为40 L/h、极水比为1.0等条件下进行电化学消毒,消毒后污水中粪大肠菌群数<500 cfu/L。在消毒处理过程中,耗电量为0.35 kWh/m3水体。结论多维电极消毒方法处理医院污水不需添加化学药剂,不影响水质,对粪大肠菌群杀灭效果好。 Objective To study the disinfection effect of multi-dimensional electrode disinfection on hospital sewage. Methods The on-site sampling method was used to evaluate the effluent treatment effect of the hospital. Results Mesh titanium plate coated with precious metal oxides such as ruthenium, iridium and platinum was used as anode. Stainless steel plate was used as cathode. Under the condition of voltage of 30 V, current density of 6 mA / cm2, water residence time of 15 min and air flow rate of 40 L / h, polar water ratio of 1.0 under the conditions of electrochemical disinfection, the number of fecal coliform bacteria in the sewage after disinfection <500 cfu / L. During the disinfection process, the electricity consumption is 0.35 kWh / m3 of water. Conclusion Multi-dimensional electrode disinfection of hospital sewage treatment without adding chemicals, does not affect the water quality, killing fecal coliform good effect.
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