多措并举 缓解“停车难”

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上班时,要提前出门,抢占单位为数不多的车位;一下班,开上车就往家冲,力争把车停个好位置;节假日出门购物、游玩时,也要事先想好是否有地儿停车……如今,这是很多有车一族时常要遇到的困扰。随着经济的发展、城市规模的扩大、机动化水平的提高,“停车难”已成为困扰城市发展的一大难题。如何缓解日益突出的停车资源供需矛盾,成为汽车社会中急需解决的问题。 Go to work early, go out ahead of schedule, to seize a small number of units of parking spaces; a class, open the car went to the home rush, and strive to park a good location; holiday shopping, play, we must also think in advance if there are children Parking ... Nowadays, this is a problem that many car owners often encounter. With the development of economy, the expansion of city scale and the improvement of motorization level, “parking is hard” has become a major problem plaguing urban development. How to alleviate the increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand of parking resources has become an urgent problem to be solved in the automobile society.