夕阳无限好,余辉照大地。 今年66岁的杨生银系榆社县社城镇双峰村人。 1951年,20岁的杨生银离开家乡到省城太原参加了工作。他先后从太原市政府到百货公司商场,由普通干部再到并西商场经理。40余年的城市生活,一万四千多个日日夜夜的辛勤工作,伴随他走过了人生的大半辈子。 按理说,一位辛勤工作了大半生的国家干部,退休后每月有几百元的退休金,该享受一下晚年的幸福了,然而,老杨并没有这样想。他放弃了优越的城市生活,
Sunset is good, afterglow according to the earth. 66-year-old Yangsheng silver Yushe County clubs Shuangfeng village. In 1951, 20-year-old Yang Shengyin left his hometown to work in the provincial capital Taiyuan. He successively from Taiyuan city hall to the department store, from ordinary cadres and then west mall manager. More than 40 years of urban life, more than 14,000 hard day and night work, with him through most of my life. It stands to reason that a cadre who has worked hard for most of his life has a few hundred yuan of retirement pensions each month after retirement, so he should enjoy the happiness in his later years. However, Lao Young did not think so. He gave up the superior city life,