
来源 :防灾减灾工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SparrowHawk
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钢结构是现代建筑工程中较普遍的结构形式之一,具备重量轻、机械性能好、可承受较大的荷载及制作和安装机械化程度高的特点。随着城市规模的发展,钢结构在我国建筑业具有非常广阔的应用前景。但由于其自身抗火能力差,在火灾高温作用下,其力学性能如屈服强度、弹性模量等会随温度升高而降低,一般在15min左右即丧失承重能力而垮塌,需采取保护措施使其温度不超过临界点才能在火灾中保持稳定性。涂敷钢结构防火涂料,施工简单、重量轻、耐火时间长且不受钢结构几何形状的制约,具有良好的经济性和实用性。随着环保意识的增强,国内外越来越多的建筑提倡绿色环保理念,参与三星或LEED认证体系的评级认证。水性膨胀型防火涂料凭借其优异的环保、施工安全和防火性能,开始逐渐受到众多业主和设计师的青睐。本文从防火原理、技术特点、防火领域的国内外认证、施工和质量管理的角度,浅谈水性膨胀型防火涂料的性能和发展现状,同时也讨论了目前防火涂料存在的一些问题。 Steel structure is one of the more common structural forms in modern construction. It has the characteristics of light weight, good mechanical properties, large load capacity and high mechanization of manufacture and installation. With the development of city scale, steel structure has a very broad application prospect in China’s construction industry. However, due to its poor resistance to fire, its mechanical properties, such as yield strength and elastic modulus, decrease with increasing temperature under the action of fire. Generally, it takes about 15 minutes to lose its load-bearing capacity and collapse, and protection measures should be taken Its temperature does not exceed the critical point in order to maintain stability in the fire. Coating steel fire-retardant coating, construction is simple, light weight, long fire-resistant and not subject to the constraints of the steel structure, with good economy and practicality. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, more and more buildings at home and abroad advocate the concept of environmental protection and participate in the rating certification of Samsung or LEED certification system. Water-based intumescent fire-retardant coating with its excellent environmental protection, construction safety and fire performance, began to gradually by many owners and designers of all ages. In this paper, the properties and development status of water-based intumescent fire retardant coatings are discussed from the aspects of fire prevention principle, technical characteristics, domestic and international certification, construction and quality management in the field of fire protection. Some existing problems of fire retardant coatings are also discussed.