病例:女.12岁。因左眼先天性白内障于1990年10月18日住我院眼科治疗.住院期间给予青霉素肌注、红霉素、麦迪霉素、强的松口服、氯霉素眼药水滴眼。手术经过顺利。于1990年11月17日痊愈出院。出院次日11时。患儿感胸部及剑突下不适,呈进行性加重,经当地医院静脉注射高渗葡萄糖40ml 后速送我院,途中呻吟、烦躁、面色苍白,大约于16时突然失去知觉,于16时15分到达我院急诊室.检查:消瘦.瞳孔散大,呼
Case: Female .12 years old. Due to left eye congenital cataract in our hospital on October 18, 1990 ophthalmology treatment given penicillin intramuscular injection, erythromycin, midecamycin, prednisone oral, eye drops of chloramphenicol eye drops. Surgery went well. He was discharged on November 17, 1990. Discharged 11 o’clock the next day. Pediatric chest and xiphoid discomfort, was progressive increased by the local hospital after intravenous infusion of hypertonic glucose 40ml speed to our hospital, groan on his way, irritability, pale, about 16:00 suddenly lost consciousness at 16:15 Points to reach our emergency room. Check: weight loss. Pupil scattered, call