水稻是广西天峨县主栽的粮食作物,2014年天峨县水稻播种面积达5.52万亩,占全县耕地面积的24.3%。近年来,随着水稻良种的普及和测土配方施肥技术推广,天峨县水稻单产有了较大幅度的提升。据2014年9月天峨县中稻田测产验收27户18.7亩,中浙优1号、Y两优1号等平均每亩产量达591.3 kg,比普通杂交稻天优7号、金优253亩增产63.5 kg,增产12.03%。实践证明,水稻
Rice is the main grain crop in Tian’e County, Guangxi Province. In 2014, the sown area of rice in Tian’e County reached 55,200 mu, accounting for 24.3% of the total arable land in the county. In recent years, with the popularization of rice varieties and soil testing and fertilizer technology to promote, Tian’e rice yield has been more substantial increase. According to the survey and determination of middle-rice paddy field in Tian’e County in September 2014, the average output per mu reached 27.7 mu, 27.7 households of Zhongzheyou 1 and Y Liangyou 1 reached 591.3 kg, which was lower than that of common hybrid rice Tianyou 7 and Jinyou 253 Mu yield 63.5 kg, an increase of 12.03%. Practice has proved that rice