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为促进我省林业的发展,扭转林业两危的现状,1990年2月黑龙江省委省政府召开了全省森工工作会议,会议制定了我省林业今后二十年的发展规划及其奋斗目标。实现这一规划及目标,是全省林业科技情报工作者面临的新课题。治危兴林与林业科技情报密切相关,简而言之是治危兴林离不开科技情报工作,科技情报工作必须有效地为治危兴林服务,这主要是由科技情报工作的自身规律和严峻的林业形势决定的。 In order to promote the development of forestry in our province and reverse the current situation of forestry at risk, Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government held a meeting of forestry workers in February 1990, which set the development plan and objectives of forestry in our province for the next 20 years . Achieving this goal and planning is a new task for forestry science and technology information workers across the province. Governance of dangerous forest and forestry science and technology intelligence are closely related, in short, is the cure crisis Xinglin inseparable from scientific and technological intelligence work, science and technology intelligence work must effectively serve the crisis Xinglin, which is mainly by the self-discipline of scientific and technological intelligence work And the tough forestry situation.
慢性心力衰竭(心衰)是严重危害人类健康的重大疾患,约20%的患者在初次诊断后1年内死亡,约80%的患者在8年内死亡[1].因此,深入研究心衰的病理生理和分子机制,发现更为有效的治疗靶点仍具有十分重要的理论和现实意义.兴奋收缩耦联机制是心脏泵功能的生理基础,研究心衰的分子基础自然会联系到该机制[2].近年来,心衰的兴奋收缩耦联机制研究取得重要进展,其中以2型ryanodine受体(type 2 ry