PID Controller Optimization by GA and Its Performances on the Electro-hydraulic Servo Control System

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linchenxu
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A proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is designed and attached to electro-hydraulic servo actuator system (EHSAS) to control the angular position of the rotary actuator which control the movable surface of space vehicles. The PID gain parameters are optimized by the genetic algorithm (GA). The controller is verified on the new state-space model of servo-valves attached to the physical rotary actuator by SIMULINK program. The controller and the state-space model are verified experimentally. Simulation and experi- mental results verify the effectiveness of the PID controller adaptive by GA to control the angular position of the rotary actuator as com- pared with the classical PID controller and the compensator controller. A proportional integral derivative (PID) controller is designed and attached to electro-hydraulic servo actuator system (EHSAS) to control the angular position of the rotary actuator which control the movable surface of space vehicles. (GA). The controller is verified on the new state-space model of servo-valves attached to the physical rotary actuator by SIMULINK program. The controller and the state-space model are verified experimentally. Simulation and experi- mental results verify the effectiveness of the PID controller adaptive by GA to control the angular position of the rotary actuator as com- pared with the classical PID controller and the compensator controller.
奶奶家住在厂区一栋平房里,前后有院。那一年住在奶奶家隔壁的邻居搬走了,他家的一只雪白的波斯母猫却死活不肯挪窝,自己留了下来,像幽灵似的在主人家的旧居四周不肯离去……  一日复一日,那母描也一天比一天地瘦了下来,那母借生就像只野猫,很不温情的那种,通体雪白的毛,毛长且硬,像是一根根地竖在身上,尾巴粗直,从没见她卷尾,那尾巴总是直直地拖在身后,一见生人,远远地躲开。  奶奶是个感情粗的女人,在我的印象
〔不到时间不开门;买鸡蛋、肉等得凭票;售货员偷钱偷东西;有权有势的走后门,不满意就“制裁”你;“不入党我就不生孩子”;一张电影票就是最好的福利;单位下班副食店也下班……计划经济年代的现象,那年那天的那个店,现在看起来一切都是那么地不可思议……〕  够热闹的一天开始了。  张桂芳像以前的每一天一样早晨五点半就醒了。她的人体生物钟那么准,每天这时必醒,连休息天也是。起来后,连忙劈柴生炉子做饭,饭做好了