抓规律 识图形

来源 :中学生数理化(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhiguo518
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生活中处处是物体,如何由实物的形状想象出几何图形,由几何图形想象出实物的形状,这就要求我们对图形有初步的认识.例1 (2006年浙江临安市)小明从正面观察图1所示的两个物体,看到的是( ). Everywhere in life is an object, how to imagine the geometric shape from the shape of the actual object, imagine the shape of the physical object from the geometric figure, which requires us to have a preliminary understanding of the figure. Example 1 (Lin’an City, Zhejiang Province, 2006) Xiaoming observes the two objects shown in Figure 1 from the front and sees ().