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此次林心如的封面妆容重点在眼部的塑造。由棕红色、酒红色和粉红色层叠出的眼影效果加上华丽而精致的睫毛打造,使整个妆面呈现出既复古又不失纯净清透的妆感。造型师航悦的妆容点评:红色是膨胀色,对亚洲人来说是一个挑战。我的建议是用淡淡的酒红色或者粉红色铺满眼周,用棕红色加重眼部的轮廓感。睫毛的打造尤为重要,今年流行华丽而优雅的睫毛妆效。窍门是把睫毛刷竖起来,垂直于睫毛根部,然后由睫毛根部至尾部一根根往外拉长,这不仅会使每一根睫毛都显得自然纤长,而且会使睫毛有一个很漂亮的弧度。这样打造的眼部不仅深邃、 The Lin Hsinju cover makeup focus on the shape of the eye. By the brown red, burgundy and pink layered eye shadow effect with gorgeous and exquisite eyelashes to create, so that the entire makeup surface shows both retro yet clear and pure makeup sense. Stylist Hang Yue makeup comment: red is the expansion of color, for Asians is a challenge. My suggestion is to use a touch of burgundy or pink to cover the eye, with brown red to increase the sense of the outline of the eye. Eyelashes is particularly important to create, gorgeous this year and elegant eyelashes makeup effect. The trick is to put the mascara upright, perpendicular to the root of the eyelashes, and then stretch the root of the eyelashes from the root to the tail, which will not only make each eyelash look natural and slim, but will also make the eyelashes have a beautiful arc. This created eye is not only deep,
国家粮食局日前发出紧急通知,要求各地制定粮食供应的应急预案。 《通知》指出,当前我国粮食库存充裕,仍是供过于求的形势。各地要积极做好宣传工作,消除群众恐慌心理,让群
报告经手术及病理证实胆囊癌36例,对其发病率及术前诊断等初步探讨。 Reported 36 cases of gallbladder carcinoma confirmed by surgery and pathology, preliminary disc
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六月份山东地区阴雨连绵,降雨量明显高于往年同期,这既为本地蔬菜的生长提供了良好的生长条件,但也同时为外地蔬菜的运输和销售带来了一定的困 Rainy days in Shandong in