In clinical aviation medicine, pilot electrocardiogram ST-T changes are not uncommon, but the emergence of T-wave giant inversion is not much, our hospital on the three pilots ECG T wave giant inversion, the final diagnosis of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy was carried out 9 to 24 years long-term flight observation. Medical history features: all men, flight time 800 ~ 3500h, the age of onset of 33 to 35 years old, without any symptoms and signs, ECG chest T-wave inversion, echocardiographic apex myocardial asymmetry hypertrophy, exercise load electrocardiogram Normal, myocardial perfusion scan normal. Discussion: Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a subtype of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy characterized by apical myocardial asymmetry. ECG changes common huge inverted T wave, Q-T interval prolongation, echocardiography, MRI showed apical asymmetric hypertrophy, left ventricular angiography can be “shovel-shaped” heart. We reported three pilots with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy typical ECG, echocardiographic features, although found in the observation of ECG T wave inversion depth gradually aggravated, 0.3mV ~ 1.4mV, echocardiographic myocardial hypertrophy gradually Aggravate, but progress of this kind of change is very slow. The fact that two pilots flew safely for 20 years shows that there is no obvious correlation between cardiac hypertrophy and the clinical presentation and clinical course of this type of patient. Therefore, we believe: apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a relatively benign disease, the course of slow progression, the prognosis is good, as long as the stable condition, no cardiac dysfunction, no ECG instability, under strict monitoring can limit the flight, but the patient must be a heart Specialist and there?