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为什么题海训练这些年来一直盛行不衰 ?因为人们认为它有效 .为什么题海训练的做法总是“有效”?因为命题人、辅导教师无形之中受“模拟试卷”的束缚 ,走不出那个怪圈 .他们认为数学考试只能考题解 ,没有办法考思维 ,考过程 .于是 ,反过来反被搞题海的人牵着鼻子走 .现在好了 ,情况已开始有了变化 :国外的不同命题方法的试题不断的渗透流传进来 ;国内也开始出现一些新型的试题 (如 2 0 0 4年上海高考中一道不需要“解”而需要“理解”的填空题等 ) .我个人认为 ,改革的方向是 :少考乃至不考“堆砌式”、“深挖洞”,又无多大应用的一类题 ,而要设计出能考思维过程的合适的新题 .降低难度 ,但要加进考一点思想方法与思维的过程 .迷信题海做法的人会一次次地碰一鼻子灰的 ,你不想变也得变 ,不信你看着 ! Why does the sea training have been popular all these years? Because people think it is effective. Why is it that the practice of sea training is always “effective”? Because the proposition and tutor are virtually bound by “simulation papers,” they cannot They believe that mathematics exams can only solve problems and there is no way to test the thinking and examination process. Therefore, in turn, the person who is engaged in the topic of the sea leads the nose. Now it is time, the situation has begun to change: foreign propositions The continuous penetration of the test questions of the methodology has been introduced; some new types of test questions have begun to appear in the country (for example, in the Shanghai college entrance examination in 2004, there is a blank-filling question that does not require “resolving” and requires “understanding”). I personally believe that reforms The direction is: do not test or even test the “piling”, “deep hole”, there is no much application of a class of questions, but to design a suitable new problem can test the thinking process. Reduce the difficulty, but add the test A little thought process and thinking process. Superstitious people in the sea of ​​practice will meet one after another, you do not want to change must change, do not believe you look at!
华阳镇位于成都市南郊.长1 3公里、宽80米的天府大道(南延线)直通天府广场.成都市城市向南发展和市行政中心南迁以及本镇的区位、资源、交通、人居环境等得天独厚的优势,使这
三组对边两两平行的凸六边形叫做平行六边形 .本文给出平行六边形的一个新性质 .定理 设平行六边形 A1B1A2 B2 A3 B3 (如图 1 ,A1B1∥ A3 B2 ,A2 B2 ∥ A1B3 ,A3 B3 ∥ A2 B
通过对新课程标准的探索与研究 ,笔者认识到新课程标准自始至终都特别强调学生的全面参与 .数学教学要从陷于知识的传授、技能的训练的歧路上悬崖勒马 ,尽快走上素质教育的正
高考作为选拔性考试 ,需要甄别考生个性数学品质的差异 .《2 0 0 4年普通高等学校全国统一考试大纲》又明确提出对考生个性品质的要求 ,可见其重要性 .本文谈谈高考对数学品