mirror site:译为中文为镜像站点,指通过自动的内容交换机制,在因特网异地服务器上生成一份与主机服务器内容完全一样的数据拷贝,并通过异地服务器实现对当地用户的就近服务。建立镜像站点是提高在异地或远端用户的上网速度的有效方法,可以大量减少国际间传输链接,
mirror site: translated into Chinese as a mirror site, means that through an automatic content exchange mechanism, the Internet off-site server to generate a copy of the host server with exactly the same data, and remote server to achieve the nearest local services. Establishing a mirror site is an effective way to increase the speed of surfing the Internet at remote locations or remote users, which can greatly reduce the number of international transmission links,