
来源 :四川党的建设(农村版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ajianginger
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最近,泸州市组成4个调查组对12个不同类型村的基层组织整顿情况进行调查,重点解剖分析了整顿工作的进展情况和实际效果。在调查研究中发现,在当前和下一步整顿农村软弱涣散党支部工作中应特别注意以下问题。整顿工作既要有声有势,更要注重扎实有效。目前,我市各级党组织对农村基层组织建设,特别是整顿软弱涣散党支部的工作都比较重视,全市共抽调市、县级机关干部637名,乡(镇)机关干部1100多名,组成187个工作组,分赴软弱涣散党支部开展整顿工作,是有声势的。但是,一些地方存在“喊得凶、干得松”的现象。有的驻村工作组力量分散,精力不集中,时间没保证;有的调查研究不深入,村情没吃透;有的宣传动员力度不够,部分村干部、党员连“五个好”的目标都不清楚;有的在等待敲收兵锣。这使有的 Recently, four investigation teams in Luzhou City investigated the grass-roots organizations in 12 different types of villages for rectification, focusing on the anatomy and analysis of the progress and actual results of the rectification work. During the investigation and study, they found that the following issues should be paid special attention to in the current and next efforts to rectify the weak and scattered rural Party branches. It is necessary to rectify the work with sound and powerful, but also pay attention to solid and effective. At present, the Party organizations at all levels in our city pay more attention to the construction of rural grassroots organizations, especially the rectification of the weak and scattered party branches. The city has allocated 637 cadres at the municipal and county levels and over 1,100 cadres at the township (town) organs. 187 working groups, went to the weak and scattered Party branch to carry out rectification work, there is momentum. However, in some places there is a phenomenon of “shouting fiercely and doing well”. Some of the working groups in the village have the power to disperse, the energy is not concentrated, and the time is not guaranteed. Some investigations and researches are not thorough enough, and the situation in the village is not thoroughly learned. Some propaganda and mobilization efforts are not enough. Some village cadres and party members even have “five goods” The goals are not clear; some are waiting for the knockout gong. This makes it
行者一:茅于轼中国社科院退休研究员,北京大学天则经济研究所所长。行者二:邹宏元西南财经大学教授,博士生导师。行者三:张衔四川大学经济学院经济系教授,博士生导师。 Walk
党的十六大提出了两个“毫不动摇”的方针,即 “第一,必须毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济。发展和 壮大国有经济,国有经济控制国民经济命脉,对于发挥 社会主义制度的优越性,
影片《空房间》剧情介绍参见《书城》2005年5月刊“资讯·电影影碟” 曾经,金基德的电影让观众不得不倒吸一口凉气,秀美平静的湖面,泛着醉人的小船屋,波光流影,落霞如烟,然