国际牙周病学会(International Academy of Periodontology,IAP)是非常年轻的组织,目的在于促进世界各地同行交流思想和经验,特别是要帮助各国把牙周专业组织建立起来,提高牙周病的防治水平。首次会议是1985年3月于英国剑桥大学召开的,那时仅有代表35人,代表着23个国家。第二届IAP于1986年11月在阿根廷的首都布宜诺斯艾利斯召开,与全美牙周学会(PAAP)联合举行,有来自世界各地700多牙医参加。第三届IAP即本次会议是1988年4月14~16日,在日本京都召开的,与日本第31届牙周学会联合举行,盛况空前,到会人数达1500多人。
The International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) is a very young organization whose purpose is to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences among its counterparts around the world. In particular, it is necessary to help countries establish periodontal professional organizations and raise the level of prevention and treatment of periodontal disease . The first meeting was held in March 1985 at the University of Cambridge in England, when only 35 delegates were represented, representing 23 countries. The second IAP was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in November 1986 and was co-hosted with the National Association of Periodontics (PAAP), with more than 700 dentists from all over the world. The third IAP, the meeting was held in Kyoto, Japan from April 14 to April 16, 1988, in conjunction with the 31st Japan Society of Periodontology, unprecedented in popularity and numbering more than 1,500.