德国联邦宪法法院基于国家信息行为的三方性特征在合宪性审查中采用了偏离自由权三阶审查模式的回应方式:增加了“保障内涵”(Gewhrleistungsgehalt)的审查标准,同时把“侵害”(Eingriff)概念扩展为“损害”(Beeintrchtigung)并以宪法未明文规定的“国家领导任务”(Aufgabe der Staatslei-tung)建构国家信息行为的正当性基础。在观察基本权利教义学结构与面貌变动的基础上明确了:基本权利教义学以提供理性化之法律适用并达成个案之基本权利保障为目的,面对多变的国家行为形式具有开展的弹性与适应变迁的可能性。
The tripartite character of the German Federal Constitutional Court based on the act of state information adopts a response to the third-order examination of deviations from the right to freedom in the constitutional review: an examination standard of “Gewährleistungsgehalt” has been added, “The concept of” Eingriff “is extended to” Beeintr chtigung “and is based on the justification of the formation of State information by the” State leadership "(Aufgabe der Staatslei-tung), which is not expressly regulated by the Constitution . On the basis of observing the changes of the structure and appearance of the fundamental rights teachings, it is clear that the basic rights teachings are designed to provide rational application of the law and guarantee the protection of the basic rights of individual cases. In the face of changing and flexible state behavior, Adapt to the possibility of change.