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戊戌维新失败以后,清廷更呈风雨飘摇之势。那拉氏一意孤行,以一己之私想挽回残局,终于几遭灭顶。义和团的受挫,招来了八国联军入侵,两宫仑皇出奔,被迫于1900年8月20日下罪己诏,上谕李鸿章出面议和, After the failure of Hundred Days Reform, the Qing court was even precarious. Nara’s insistence on the line, in order to save the mess of their own private, finally several were extinct. The frustration of the Boxers brought in the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces and the invasion of the Imperial Palace by the imperial army. It was forced to sin under the command of Li Hung-chang on August 20, 1900,
9月21日,四川省甘孜州得荣县城关小学全体学生收到了一份特别的礼物——200册《红领巾》。  《红领巾》杂志社通过援藏干部梁瑞了解到甘孜州得荣县城关小学的孩子们没有一份适合儿童阅读的刊物后,随即安排赠送200册《红领巾》杂志给孩子们阅读,并表示在今后将继续为孩子们赠送精神食粮。赠阅仪式上,梁瑞向全体同学介绍了《红领巾》的主要内容、办刊特色,并鼓励大家积极向杂志社投稿。同学们拿到《红领巾》后,十分高