Luo Huaizhen, a contemporary drama genius, has devoted himself to the exploration and experimentation of “modern drama” and “urban opera” since the 1980s. He has been involved in many fields such as Beijing Opera, Huai Opera, Kunqu Opera, Yue Opera, Huangmei Opera, Yong drama, musicals and other fields. Since 1984, he has been writing the graduation drama “Ancient Legend” at the Shanghai Theater Academy. For twenty years, this opera writer with the scholarly qualities has continuously written masterpieces with profound and profound taste. From the drama “True or False Zebra” “Li Qingzhao” “Meron Town” “Snake Love” to the Huaiju “Golden Dragon and 蜉 蝣” “West Chu Overlord”, then to Beijing Opera “Xishi Shi Jinyue”, Kunqu Opera “Ban Zhao”, Yong drama “Code wife”, and even the musical “Everlasting Regret,” “Peacock flying southeast”, etc., stacked stacked, talent development. In contemporary Chinese drama