新邵县人事局局长禹长林,给人一种亲切质朴的感觉。这固然是因为他那缕经常挂在嘴角的微笑,更因为他那光明磊落、清正无私的工作风格。 禹长林今年39岁,曾长期担任区、乡镇党委书记等职,在基层摸爬滚打过十几年。1995年2月,禹长林调任县人事局长,挑起了为经济腾飞开发人才资源的千斤重担。 禹长林认为,在当今这样的时代,作为县人事局长,不仅需要敏锐的眼光,超人的胆略,更需要有纯正的品格,才能不负党和人民的事业。上任伊
Xinshao Lin Shuxian County Personnel Bureau, giving a kind of cordial and simple feeling. This is due, of course, to his thread that often hangs in the mouth of a smile, but also because of his fair and honest, unselfish working style. Yu Changlin, 39, has long served as district, township party secretary and other staff, playing fought grass-roots more than a decade. In February 1995, Yu Changlin transferred to county personnel director, provoking the development of human resources for economic take-off heavy burden. Yu Changlin believes that in such an era as the County Personnel Director, not only keen eyes, superb courage, but also pure character are needed to uproot the party and the people. Iraq took office