宫乃泉同志历任新四军医务主任、二师卫生部长、军卫生部第一副部长、华东军区卫生部副部长、军事医学科学院院长、总后卫生部副部长、全军医学科学委员会主任委员、中华医学会副会长等职。1975年7月20日因心脏病复发,在京溘然逝世。他一生中有许多辉煌的业绩,在这里我们仅谈他珍爱图书,一贯重视医学图书馆建设。 宫乃泉以好学不倦著称,早在学生时代他就养成爱书苦读的习惯。参加革命后,常以“白山”、“黑水”为笔名,发表文章,痛斥日寇罪行,抒发怀恋故土、保卫国家的豪情。读书是他的唯一嗜好,他孜孜不倦地阅读了许多马列著作,把图书馆作为知识的源泉,如饥似渴地吸取科学知识“营养”,不论在行军路上,还是工作、开会的间隙都充分利用起来,手不释卷,贪婪地读书。许多老同志都记忆犹新提到,无论在多么残酷的战争环境中,他身边都留有几箱书籍随他走南闯北。
Miyano Izumi served as Medical Director of the New Fourth Army, Minister of Health of the Second Division, First Deputy Minister of the Military Health Department, Deputy Minister of Health of the East China Military Region, President of the Military Medical Academy, Vice Minister of the General Health Ministry, Chairman of the Military Medical Science Committee, Vice president of Chinese Medical Association and other staff. July 20, 1975 due to heart disease recurrence, passed away in Beijing. He has many brilliant achievements in his life, where we only talk about his cherished books, always attach importance to the construction of medical libraries. Miyako spring is famous for his studious education, and as early as in his student life, he developed the habit of studying hard. After taking part in the revolution, they frequently published articles entitled “White Mountains” and “Black Water”, denouncing the crimes of Japanese invaders, expressing their nostalgia for their homeland and defending their country. Reading is his only hobby, and he tirelessly read many Marxist-Leninist writings. Taking the library as a source of knowledge and eager to absorb the scientific knowledge of “nutrition,” he took full advantage of the gap between the two sides in their march, work, and meeting. , Greedily reading. Many old comrades remembered vividly that no matter how cruel the war was, there were a few boxes of books left beside him left by him.