嘉兴市是中国东部沿海地区长江三角洲15城市之一,全市面积约4000平方公里,总人口332万。 嘉兴积极鼓励外商投资,并朝着建设成上海南翼港口型工贸城市方向发展。目前已有58个国家和地区的客商在嘉兴投资,兴办企业2560家,项目总投资75.86亿美元,合同利用外资47.8亿美元,实际利用外资16.5亿美元,其中香港706家、台湾450家、日本243家、美国242家、韩国92家、欧洲124家,世界500强中也已有11家企业在嘉兴落
Jiaxing is one of 15 cities in the Yangtze River Delta in the eastern coastal area of China. The city covers an area of about 4,000 square kilometers with a total population of 3,320,000. Jiaxing actively encourages foreign investment and moves toward building a port-oriented industrial and commercial city in the south wing of Shanghai. So far, 2560 merchants in 58 countries and regions have set up their own businesses in Jiaxing, with a total investment of 7.586 billion U.S. dollars. The contracted foreign investment is 4.78 billion U.S. dollars and the actually utilized foreign investment is 1.65 billion U.S. dollars, of which 706 in Hong Kong, 450 in Taiwan, 243, 242 in the United States, 92 in South Korea and 124 in Europe. Eleven of the Fortune 500 companies have also been relocated to Jiaxing