2005年中国武汉首届“钓 鱼王杯”国际淡水钓鱼 邀请赛于金秋10月中下旬在湖北 武汉市金银湖畔举行。来自祖国各 地及匈牙利 TOPMIX 代表队、英国 友人吉姆·伯顿领衔的中英联合天 津钓鱼王队等共43支代表队的215 名运动员参加了为期两天的比赛。 本次比赛由湖北省钓鱼协会、 湖北省人民对外友好协会及湖北安 陆钓鱼王渔具有限公司联合主办。 中国奥委会名誉主席、原国家体委 主任李梦华和中华名人垂钓俱乐部 常务副主席、本刊名誉主编万伯翱
In 2005, the first “Fishing King Cup” International Freshwater Fishing Invitational Tournament held in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, was held in mid-to-late October in Jinyinhu Lake, Wuhan City, Hubei Province. A total of 215 athletes from a total of 43 teams, including the TOPMIX team from Hungary, the British friend Jim Burton, and the Sino-British Joint Tianjin Diaoyu Wang, participated in the two-day competition. This competition is jointly organized by the Hubei Provincial Fishing Association, Hubei Provincial People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and Hubei Anlu Fishing King Fishing Gear Co., Ltd. Honorary chairman of the Chinese Olympic Committee, Li Menghua, former director of the State Sports Commission and the executive vice chairman of the Chinese celebrity fishing club, Honorary Editor Wan Bo Ao