Acute temporomandibular joint dislocation is usually treated conservatively, if the dislocation is chronic (recurrent) or long-term (persistent), which is associated with muscle spasms, and surgical treatment is its indication. Patients under general anesthesia surgery, oral opening as much as possible, and then in the mandibular ascending branch of the medial, lateral and upper injection of vasoconstrictor drugs, stretching from the coracoid to ascending branch to the mandibular third molar level vertical incision. Soft tissue was opened from the medial and lateral surfaces of the coracoid process and from the upper part of the ascending branch to expose the anterior part of the condyle and blunt dissection with scissors to separate the pterygoid muscle from the anterior surface of the condyle. When the mouth, it is easy to touch the outer wing of the muscle fibers attached to the mandibular joint capsule part, when the maxillofacial expansion with your fingers carefully separated, the wound suture between the mandibular jaw fixed 7 to 10 days. Antibiotics and hormones (dexamethasone) during and after surgery.