(一) “结构”这个概念,在中国出现很早。远在东汉时期,年轻的辞赋家王延寿在叙述汉代建筑及壁画的《鲁灵光赋》中说:“详察其栋宇,观其结构……”这“结构”二字指屋宇构造的式样。而文章的结构就是从构造房屋借用而来。从晋陆机《文赋》到梁刘勰《文心雕龙》都对结构作过论述。什么叫结构?《文心雕龙·附会》说:“谓总文理,统首尾,定与夺,合涯际,弥纶一篇,使杂而不越者也。若筑室之须基构,裁衣之待缝缉矣。”《文心雕龙·熔裁》说:“草创鸿笔,先标三准:履端于始,则设情以位体;举正于中,则酌事以取类;归余于终,则撮辞以举要。”刘勰所说的“附会”、
(A) The concept of “structure” appeared very early in China. Far in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the young scholar Wang Yanshou, in his account of the “Lüguangguang Fu” in the Han Dynasty architecture and frescoes, said: “The detailed explanation of its buildings and its structure ...” This “structure” refers to the style of building structure . The structure of the article is borrowed from the construction of housing. From Jin Luji “Wen Fu” to Liang Liu Xie “Wen Xin Diao Long” have made a discussion of the structure. What is the structure? “Wen Xin Diao Long attachment” and said: “that the total liberal arts, the first and the tail, set and seize, together with the occasion, a Lun a, so miscellaneous and more who also. , Tailoring the clothes to be sewn. ”“ Wen Xin Diao Long fusion ”and said:“ Grass Chong Hong pen, the first standard of three standards: the beginning of the first line, then set the situation to bit body; Things to take class; to rest in the end, the resignation to lift. ”Liu Yong said the“ annex ”