南疆军区第十八医院院长 王引虎,入伍28年来,转战天 山南北,用双脚丈量着南疆的每 一寸土地,在本职岗位上鞠躬 尽瘁,在风雪高原上精心地为 兵服务、为党为部队工作,先 后76次深入帕米尔高原、喀喇 昆仑、阿里高原的数十座冰峰 哨卡巡诊、抢救官兵,经受了 生与死、病与痛、苦与乐、得 与失的严峻考验,在雪域高原 擎起一面不倒的旗帜。
Wang Yihu, dean of the 18th Hospital of the South Xinjiang Military Region, joined the army in the 28 years and fought in the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains. He measured every inch of land in southern Xinjiang with his feet and spared no efforts in his own post to serve the soldiers in the snow-covered plateau. For the troops, they visited 76 dozens of ice peak posts in the Pamirs, Karakorum and Ali Plateau to rescue their officers and men. They survived severe tests of life and death, disease and pain, suffering and joy, gain and loss, In the snowy plateau engine up one side does not fall banner.