On the brink of the Atlantic town of Kanak, France is a mysterious place on the Brittany Peninsula. In the suburbs beyond 8 km, there are lush boulders everywhere. This is the famous Karnak Rock formation, which was called “more mysterious than the pyramid” by the British archaeologist Heidi Han. Throughout the crops, woods, and farmhouses, the Karnak Rock formations appear to have erected stone in an orderly manner and seem to have been carefully crafted. To erect such a rock matrix is by no means done by one or two people, nor can it be accomplished in a day or two, nor can it be achieved solely by manpower. Erected by a large number of people, and have superb technology, and after years of labor. But who are these mysterious erectors? It is said that there were 10,000 stone pillars in Karnak, and only 2,471 are stored today. Stone array is divided into farmland