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当今社会,在人们生活中,没有电是不可想象的。没有电就没有现代化,电气化就是现代化的象征。电能便于集中、便于输送、便于分散、便于转换、便于使用,被称之为“方便的能源”。可是至今,全国还有28个县和1.2亿农村人口没有用上电,这更增加了我们杂志社全体同志的责任感和紧迫感。为了加速农村电气化建设,普及用电知识,应广大读者的要求,我刊从1995年第2期起,开辟“农村电气化”栏目。本栏目主要宣传党在农村电气化方面的方针、政策,摘登全国电力工业、农村电气化建设中的太好形势和先进经验,通报电力工业有关法规、条例,普及电的基本知识和安全用电常识,介绍新设备、新材料、新工艺、新方法,指导正确使用和维护保养家用电气等。限于本刊读者的文化程度差别较大,为避免长篇大论,体现可读性,我们特邀电力行业的一些专家、学者有计划地撰写和组织稿件,文章力求严谨、短小,语言尽量通俗、易懂,既偏重于知识性、科学性,又强调实用性、导向性、使这个栏目办出独有的特色来。 欢迎读者多提好的建议和要求,欢迎工作在广大农村的电力工作者勇跃投稿。 In today’s society, no electricity is inconceivable in people’s lives. There is no modernization without electricity, and electrification is a symbol of modernization. Power is easy to focus, easy to transport, easy to spread, easy to convert, and easy to use, called “convenient energy.” However, up to now, there are 28 counties and 120 million rural people across the country that do not use electricity. This has increased the sense of responsibility and urgency of all our comrades in the magazine. In order to accelerate the rural electrification construction and popularize the knowledge of electricity use, in response to the requirements of readers, China Publications has opened up the “Rural Electrification” section since the second period of 1995. This section mainly promotes the party’s policies and policies in rural electrification, excerpts the excellent situation and advanced experience in the national electric power industry and rural electrification construction, and informs the relevant laws and regulations of the electric power industry, the basic knowledge of electricity diffusion, and the general knowledge of safe electricity use. Introduce new equipment, new materials, new processes, and new methods, and guide the proper use and maintenance of home appliances. Due to the fact that the readers of this publication are quite different in terms of their educational level, in order to avoid lengthy comments and readability, we specially invite experts and scholars from the power industry to write and organize the manuscripts in a planned way. The articles strive to be rigorous, short, and the language is as simple as possible and easy to understand. It emphasizes both the knowledge and the science, but also emphasizes pragmatism and guidance and makes this column a unique feature. Readers are welcome to provide good suggestions and requirements, and welcome to work in the vast majority of rural power workers to submit their contributions.
1月7日上午,位于郑州市江山路的郑州大学第四附属医院遭遇一伙身着迷彩服的不明身份人员(三十人左右)强行拆迁,当时病人正在做检查,墙体突然被钩机破洞。医院负责人称:医院放射科的医生和病人差点被埋。医院价值四百万的数字胃肠机被损坏,更令人生气的是,医院太平间也被推平,五六具病人遗体被掩埋。院方工作人员在阻拦强拆时受伤。  我想谴责,却最终发现再也无力说些什么。或许郑州此次事件带给了我们一种别样的感受,
河南省位于我国中部,有丰富的农副产品资源。该省食品工业历史悠久,传统名特食品享誉国内外,如道口烧鸡、武陟油茶、杜康曲酒、归德酱芽、信阳毛尖茶等。 预计‘85’期间河