HAPPY Little submarines, an American-style animation entirely produced by a Chinese studio, was shown in late May at more than 200 digital cinemas around the country. It is one of the few feature-length animated films made and successfully released in Chi-na in the past 20 years. “This is the first time we have recouped our investment before the distribution of the film through foreign copyrights,” said Jin Guoping, chairman of the Insti-tute of Media Technology (shenzhen) Ltd., affiliated with Global Digital Creations (GDC).The film tells of two small submarines, “Ali” and “Beibei,” who after undergoing countless hardships at sea, finally realize their dream of becoming official scientific research submarines. It is targeted at young children and cost RMB 10 million, but beyond breaking even, Jin said he did not expect too much in box office receipts. “The box office of films for young children is limited, especially in China. The animation consuming market is by no means mature,” he said.
HAPPY Little submarines, an American-style animation entirely produced by a Chinese studio, was shown in late May at more than 200 digital cinemas around the country. It is one of the few feature-length animated films made and successfully released in Chi-na in the past 20 years. “This is the first time we have recouped our investment before the distribution of the film through foreign copyrights, ” said Jin Guoping, chairman of the Instiute of Media Technology (shenzhen) Ltd. with Global Digital Creations (GDC). The film tells of two small submarines, “Ali ” and “Beibei, ” who after under count countless hardships at sea, finally realize their dream of becoming official scientific research submarines. It is targeted at young children and cost RMB 10 million, but beyond breaking even, Jin said he did not expect too much in box office receipts. “The box office of films for young children is limited, especially in China. The animation consuming market is by no means matur e, ”he said.