[背景介绍]容肇祖,字元胎,广东东莞县人,1897年12月 1日生,逝于1998年。1926年秋毕业于北京大学哲学系,先后执教于厦门大学、中山大学、岭南大学、北京大学、西南联大及辅仁大学等学校。其长兄容庚先生即为我国著名的古文字学家。在中山大学时,出于自己的兴趣爱好,容肇祖与顾颉刚等一起曾组织了影响较大的中大民俗学会并任会长,出版《民俗周刊》及系列民俗研究丛书,培训了不少学页,与当时的北大歌谣学会遥相呼应,形成了一个华南民俗研究中心。 解放后,容先生先于1952年被调到北京市政府文教委员会文物组作有关文物的考古鉴定工作,后于1956年归队到中国社科院哲学研究所,任研究员、学术委员、研究生院教授、中国民俗学会副理事长、国务院古籍整理出版规划小组顾问等职。
[Background] Rong Zuzu, character fetal, Dongguan County, Guangdong, December 1, 1897 Health, died in 1998. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Peking University in the autumn of 1926 and taught at Xiamen University, Zhongshan University, Lingnan University, Peking University, Southwest Associated University and Fu Jen Catholic University. His eldest brother, Mr. Rong Geng, is a famous ancient Chinese philologist. At Sun Yat-sen University, out of their own hobbies, Rong Zuzu and Gu Jiegang together with the influential CUHK Folklore Society and president, published “Folk Weekly” and series of folklore series, training a lot Study page, with the then Peking Opera Society echoes, forming a South China Folk Research Center. After the liberation, Mr. Rong was first transferred to the Cultural Relics Commission of the Beijing Municipal Government for cultural relics appraisal in 1952 and returned to the Institute of Philosophy, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1956, where he served as a professor, academic committee, and graduate school professor , Vice chairman of China Folklore Society, consultant of the State Council, the ancient books publishing planning group.