《化学物质毒性全书》为《工业毒理学》的修订本。由顾学箕教授任名誉主编,夏元洵教授任主编,王簃兰、任引津、吴振球、周炯亮、张庆浩、顾祖维任副主编。 本书共34章,分29大类,共约三千种化学物,是一本全面介绍各类化学物质的理化性质、毒性、中毒的诊断与防治方法的大型参考书,重点补充了新理论、新知识和新技术,力求反映国内外有关的最新成就。可供劳动卫生、职业病、工业毒理、临
The Chemical Toxicity Book is the revised edition of Industrial Toxicology. Professor Gu Xueji is honorary editor, Professor Xia Yuanli is chief editor, Wang Lan, Ren Sujin, Wu Zhenqiu, Zhou Jiongliang, Zhang Qinghao, Gu Zuwei deputy editor. The book consists of 34 chapters, divided into 29 categories, a total of about 3,000 kinds of chemicals, is a comprehensive reference to various types of chemical and physical properties, toxicity, poisoning diagnosis and prevention methods of large reference book, focusing on the new theory , New knowledge and new technologies, and strive to reflect the latest achievements at home and abroad. Available for labor and health, occupational diseases, industrial toxicology, Pro