Electrical detection technology is composed of photoelectric sensors, laser technology and automation technology, optical fiber communications, intelligent technology. Photoelectric sensing technology can be used in the process of coal mining, the use of photoelectric sensors on the coal mining environment temperature, humidity, various gases including methane (CH4), carbon monoxide (CO) and other content of the induction detection, real-time underground mine The test information is transmitted to the well and displayed to the well monitoring department through the timely processing of the information and data. If the temperature, humidity and gas content exceed the prescribed targets, they are warned in time, which greatly reduces the danger of the coal mining process Chance of accident Laser technology and automation technology can dry the coal, improve the quality of coal preparation and reduce the cost of water selection and pollution of the environment. Optical fiber communication technology can timely and accurately mine information feedback control monitoring center, which can be timely mining process management and control. Intelligent dispatching center can realize coal mining, intelligent monitoring and reduce mining danger.