1987年1月24日16时09分,在新疆乌什发生一次6.4级中强地震,震中位置为北纬41.4度、东经79.3度,震源深度为22公里,宏观位置在新疆乌什县东北部的英阿瓦提乡一带。 震区位于天山南麓的柯平块体北缘,是北东向库齐断裂和近东西向苏尔滚断裂的复合交汇部位。这里是南天山地震带中的一个中强地震频发的地区。 根据宏观调查的初步结果,破坏最重的极震区在乌什县英阿瓦提乡境内,与微观震中位置
At 16:09 on January 24, 1987, a 6.4-magnitude moderate-strong earthquake occurred in Wushi, Xinjiang. The epicenter was located at 41.4 degrees north latitude, 79.3 degrees east longitude and 22 kilometers deep. The macroearth was located in the northeast part of Wushi County in Xinjiang Britain Awati Township area. The seismic zone is located at the northern margin of the Keping block at the southern foot of the Tianshan Mountains and is the complex intersection of the NE-trending Kuze fault and the near east-west treble fault. Here is a strong earthquake in the southern Tianshan seismic belt in the area. According to the preliminary results of the macro survey, the most damaging polar earthquake zone was located in the British Awat Township, Wushi County,