大师的线组细节 李大毛谈主线

来源 :钓鱼 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anweiban
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1996年之前,李大毛知钓鱼而不知有赛,其拿手活是陶罐为器,巨瓮作釜,以木炭文火煨出香味四溢的瓦罐汤。凡是经营成功人士都有两个特点:注重积累和善于抓住机遇,李大毛也不例外。1997年,事业初成的李大毛随化绍新学习钓快鱼,一年后参加第四届“钓王杯”总决赛获第5名, Before 1996, Li Da-Mao knew fishing and did not know that there was a match. His work was pottery jars, jugs for pots, simmering charcoal scented jar soup with charcoal. Any successful business people have two characteristics: focus on accumulation and good grasp of opportunities, Li Da Mao is no exception. In 1997, Li Da-Mao, who was a pioneer in his career, started to learn how to catch fast-fish with Huashaoxu. After a year, he took the fifth place in the fourth “Wang Diao” finals,