从“漫灌”到“滴灌” 上海市市北中学改革人才培养模式的实践探索

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高中三年是学生个性形成、才能初显的黄金时期,学生今后走上怎样的人生道路在这里埋下伏笔。在这个关键的成长阶段,高中教育应该给予学生什么?如果只是局限于单纯的书本知识灌输,让学生日复一日地埋头于题海、应考中,学生即便最终拿到了好分数,也难免发展后劲不足。只有在一片肥沃的育人土壤中,才能生长出人格健全、朝气蓬勃、富有创新精神和实践能力的新一代高中生。创建于1915年的上海市市北中学,在校长陈军的带领下,大力弘扬注重人文关怀、砥砺精神追求、强化 Three years of high school students personality formation, to the golden age of the beginning, the students embark on what path in life in the foreshadowed here. What should be given to high school students at this crucial stage of development? If it is confined to mere instilling of books, so that students are immersed in the sea day after day, students will inevitably develop even if they finally get a good score Insufficient stamina. Only in a fertile soil for education can we develop a new generation of high school students who are sound, energetic, innovative and practical. Founded in 1915 in Shanghai City North Middle School, under the leadership of President Chen Jun, vigorously promote humanistic care, tearing spirit of the pursuit of strengthening
为了营造良好的礼仪学习氛围,进一步提高同学们对礼仪文化的兴趣,为广大同学提供展现自身礼仪风采的舞台,广州市司法职业学校婉雅礼仪社在老师和同学们的支持下,于2016年10月20日晚间举行了“展礼仪风采,扬美丽青春”首届校园礼仪之星比赛。本次礼仪比赛包括自我介绍、礼仪展示、才艺展示三个环节,旨在为选手们提供多方面的表现机会。  本次比赛,由婉雅礼仪社指导老师许婉全程组织、策划。本学期开学以来,许婉老师