周恩来善用 “字诀”治天下

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周恩来生前曾总结出许多“字诀”,作为社会主义建设时期各个方面工作的指导。如:他对外交干部提出:“站稳立场、掌握政策、钻研业务、遵守纪律”,作为外交人员的金科玉律。“求同存异、互谅互让、和平共处、共同发展”是处理国家关系的法宝。“寻求友谊、寻求和平、寻求知识、增进了解”是进行民间外交的指针。50年代至70年代对日本工作采取“不急不躁、细水长流、广交朋友、扩展友好”;“亦官亦商、官商并举、立足当前、着眼未来”;“政府协定、民间合作、个别照顾、政经不分”的贸易和政治原则。对外国记者则“来者不拒、区别对待、言简意赅、有答 Zhou Enlai had summed up many “tactics” before his death, as a guide for all aspects of the socialist construction period. For example, he proposed to the diplomatic and cadres: “Take a firm stand, hold policy, study business, and observe discipline” as the golden rule of diplomatic personnel. “Seeking common ground while shelving differences, mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, peaceful coexistence and common development” is a magic weapon for handling the relations between the countries. “Seeking friendship, seeking peace, seeking knowledge, and enhancing understanding” are the guidelines for conducting non-governmental diplomacy. From the 1950s to the 1970s, Japan adopted the principle of “no hurry, no worries, no worries, no lack of urgency, no shortage of resources, making friends and expanding friendship.” “Officials and businessmen hold the joint promotion of government and commerce. They are based on the present and look forward to the future.” “Governmental agreements, private cooperation and individual care , Regardless of political and economic ”trade and political principles. Foreign reporters are "not to refuse, discriminate, concise, answer
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傻傻既是我的同学,也是我小时候的邻居。傻傻其实并不傻,只是说话速度慢,好像反应也不是很迅速,而且小时候很不爱干净,前后邻居们这才给他起了这么个外号。  傻傻在城里打拼了几年,存了几万块钱,就回到老家镇上经营起了一家电瓶车销售店,还特意把我叫了去参加他的开张小庆典。他的店规模不大,十几辆电瓶车放在那一间店面里,显得拥挤不堪。开店容易守店难,只希望他以后不会轻易打退堂鼓,踏踏实实地干。 我们全家都在城
本文就作者在研究开发5.5kW全无油压缩机过程中,为提高压缩机的性能和可靠性,介绍了采取的主要途径及其对 In this paper, the author in the research and development 5.5k