Comprehensive analysis of slope stability and determination of stable slopes in the Chador-Malu iron

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ogl
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One of the critical aspects in mine design is slope stability analysis and the determination of stable slopes. In the Chador- Malu iron ore mine, one of the most important iron ore mines in central Iran, it was considered vital to perform a comprehensive slope stability analysis. At first, we divided the existing rock hosting pit into six zones and a geotechnical map was prepared. Then, the value of MRMR (Mining Rock Mass Rating) was determined for each zone. Owing to the fact that the Chador-Malu iron ore mine is located in a highly tectonic area and the rock mass completely crushed, the Hoek–Brown failure criterion was found suitable to estimate geo-mechanical parameters. After that, the value of cohesion (c) and friction angle (φ) were calculated for different geotechnical zones and relative graphs and equations were derived as a function of slope height. The stability analyses using numerical and limit equilibrium methods showed that some instability problems might occur by increasing the slope height. Therefore, stable slopes for each geotechnical zone and prepared sections were calculated and presented as a function of slope height. One of the critical aspects in mine design is slope stability analysis and the determination of stable slopes. In the Chador- Malu iron ore mine, one of the most important iron ore mines in central Iran, it was considered vital to perform a comprehensive slope stability analysis, first division, we divided the existing rock hosting pit into six zones and a geotechnical map was prepared. Then, the value of MRMR (Mining Rock Mass Rating) was determined for each zone. Owing to the fact that the Chador-Malu iron ore mine is located in a highly tectonic area and the rock mass completely crushed, the Hoek-Brown failure criterion was found suitable to estimate geo-mechanical parameters. After that, the value of cohesion (c) and friction angle (φ) were calculated for different geotechnical zones and relative graphs and equations were derived as a function of slope height. The stability analyzes using numerical and limit equilibrium methods showed that some instability problems might occur by incr eas, the slope height. Therefore, stable slopes for each geotechnical zone and prepared sections were calculated and presented as a function of slope height.
进展型脑梗死是指起病6 h后症状仍在发展的缺血性脑血管病,约占脑梗死30%以上.具有神经损害症状进行性加重、恢复慢、预后差的特点[1-4].在国外常用组织型纤溶酶源激活物(TPA)溶栓,但在国内脑梗死患者6 h内就诊率仅15%,基层医院就诊率更低,溶栓受许多因素限制,而不能及时使用.我科自2007年以来,应用奥扎格雷钠联合低分子肝素钠治疗进展型脑梗死,获得较好的疗效,现报告如下。
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