8月21日,《Woman Road》中韩女性雕塑交流展在韩国首尔隆重开幕,中国10位雕塑家韩国84位女性雕塑参加了此展。中国6位女性雕塑家何鄂、李秀勤、王小蕙、施慧、沈允庆、徐月翔受韩国女雕塑家协会的邀请,赶赴现场参加开幕式及研讨会。8月22日,在韩国女雕塑家协会会长申银淑女士的带领下,中国雕塑家参观了韩国著名的首尔梨花女子大学美术学院,并在造型艺术馆进行了学术研讨。韩国美术评论家、弘益大学教授金伊顺女士作了重要发言。她的发言题目是《韩国女雕刻家协会的昨天和今天》。
August 21, “Woman Road” China and South Korea women’s sculpture exchange exhibition was grandly opened in Seoul, Korea, China’s 10 sculptors, South Korea, 84 female sculptures participated in this exhibition. Six Chinese female sculptors He E, Li Xiuqin, Wang Xiaohui, Shi Hui, Shen Yunqing and Xu Yuexiang rushed to the scene to attend the opening ceremony and seminar at the invitation of the Korean Woman Sculptor Association. On August 22, under the leadership of Ms. Shen Yin-shu, president of the Korean Women Sculptors Association, Chinese sculptors visited the prestigious Art Institute of Seoul Ewha Womans University and conducted a seminar at the Museum of Fine Arts. Kim Il Sung, a professor of Korean art critic and Hongik University, made an important speech. Her speech was titled “Yesterday and Today” of the Korea Female Sculptors Association.