1 隧道窑窑体的长、内宽、内高尺寸应适度隧道窑过长不但造价高.而且由于装着坯体的重车数量过多,气体流动阻力较大,窑尾进风量较少,窑的生产能力降低.如重庆市某砖厂的二次码烧隧道窑,内宽为2.25m·内高为1.998m,长为101m.偏长.经将其截短了15m,产量提高了30%左右.过短的窑又因砖坯在各阶段停留时间过短.不但煤耗高.而且成品裂纹多、哑音多.出现裂纹和哑音的主要原因是.①预热带升温过急.水蒸气逸出过快.坯体开袭.②出窑砖的温度过高,遇外界空气急冷而炸裂.如重庆市某砖厂的二次码烧隧道窑内宽为2. 25m.内高为1.998m.长为71m偏短.出窑砖的温度高达400℃以上(砖垛中部余火未烬、仍在闪光).经将其增长了15m左右.煤耗降低了30%、成品质量也明显提高.
1 The length, width and height of the tunnel kiln body should be appropriate. Not only the tunnel kiln is too long, but also the cost is high. Moreover, due to the excessive number of heavy vehicles carrying the blank, the gas flow resistance is large, and the kiln inlet air volume is small. The production capacity is reduced. For example, in a secondary yard tunnel kiln of a brick factory in Chongqing, the inner width is 2.25m and the inner height is 1.998m, and the length is 101m. It is longer. By shortening it by 15m, the output is increased by 30. About 7%. Too short a kiln due to the short residence time of bricks at various stages. Not only high coal consumption, but also many finished cracks, more muted sound. The main reason for cracks and mutes is. 1 pre-tropical warming too fast. The steam escapes too quickly. The body is attacked. The temperature of the kiln brick is too high, and the air is quenched and burst in case of outside air. For example, a secondary yard in a brick factory in Chongqing has a width of 2.25m. 1.998m long and 71m short. The temperature of the kiln brick is as high as 400°C or above (after the fire in the middle of the brick hut is still simmering and still shining). After increasing it by about 15m, the coal consumption is reduced by 30%, and the finished product quality is also obvious. improve.