一、化工尘毒危害的几个特点(一)尘毒物质分布面广,接触尘毒人数众多当前世界上化工生产中所使用的有毒有害物质种类和数目有多少种,有多少人接触,说法不一。我国化工生产主要尘毒物质过去未作过系统调查,本次调查发现,不仅接触面广(接毒34.97%;接尘15.58%),而且尘毒物质的品种繁多, (共700余种),(常见毒物为152种、类)。劳动人事部规定的56种主要毒物中,化工系统占54种。
First, the chemical dust poisoning of several characteristics (a) dust distribution of toxic substances, the large number of exposure to dust poisoning Currently the world’s chemical production of toxic and hazardous substances used in the species and the number of species, how many people contact, that Different. In our country, the main dust and toxic substances in chemical production have not been systematically investigated in the past. The survey found that not only the wide contact surface (receiving 34.97% of the contaminated materials and the dust of 15.58%) but also the large variety of dust and toxic substances (more than 700 species in total) (152 kinds of common poison, class). Of the 56 major poisons prescribed by the Ministry of Labor and Personnel, 54 are chemical systems.