劳动保护工作事关亿万劳动者的安全与健康。任务重,难度大,但是很光荣。为这项事业辛勤耕耘的人,包括着千千万万仁人志士。他们把劳动者看成是造福者,立志为造福者造福。他们的业绩是值得歌颂的。 本刊设立“人物志”专栏,意在颂扬优秀劳动保护工作者的业绩。弘扬他们的革命精神,以激励同行们奋发努力;传播他们的先进经验,以推动各企业不断前进。本专栏期望得到各地方、各部门、各企业和广大作者、读者的支持和爱护。──编者
Labor protection is a matter of concern for the safety and health of hundreds of millions of workers. Heavy task, difficult, but very honorable. Those who work hard for this cause include thousands of benefactors. They see laborers as blessings, determined to bless them. Their performance is commendable. The magazine set up a “character” column, intended to celebrate the performance of outstanding labor protection workers. Carry forward their revolutionary spirit so as to encourage their colleagues to work hard and disseminate their advanced experience so as to promote the constant progress of all enterprises. This column is expected to receive the support and love of all localities, departments, enterprises and the vast majority of authors and readers. ── Editor