Effect of Intermediate Heat Treatment Temperature on Microstructure and Notch Sensitivity of Laser S

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lqh2012
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Inconel 718 superalloys deposited by laser solid forming (LSF) were heat treated with solution treatment,intermediate heat treatment (IHT) and two-stage aging treatment in sequence (SITA heat treatment).The effect of IHT temperature on microstructure,tensile property and notch sensitivity of LSFed Inconel 718 superalloy at 500 ℃ were investigated.As-deposited columnar grains have transformed to equiaxed grains and the grains were refined due to the recrystallization during the SITA heat treatment.It is found that the size and amount of δ phase dispersed at grain boundaries decreased with the increasing of IHT temperature,and δ phase disappeared when the IHT temperature reached 1 020 ℃.The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) of smooth samples increased to a maximum when the IHT temperature reached 980 ℃ and then decreased slightly to a minimum when the IHT temperature was 1 000 ℃,and followed by slight increasing again till the IHT temperature reached 1 020 ℃,resulted from the competition of precipitation strengthening effect of γ″ and γ’ phase and the grain boundary weakening effect caused by the gradual disappearance of δ phase with increasing the IHT temperature.The notch sensitivity factor (qe) decreased but still greater than 1 as the IHT temperature increased,which is attributed to the decrease of the size and amount of δ precipitation. Inconel 718 superalloys deposited by laser solid forming (LSF) were heat treated with solution treatment, intermediate heat treatment (IHT) and two-stage aging treatment in sequence (SITA heat treatment). The effect of IHT temperature on microstructure, tensile property and notch sensitivity of LSFed Inconel 718 superalloy at 500 ℃ were investigated. As-deposited columnar grains have transformed to equiaxed grains and the grains were refined due to the recrystallization during the SITA heat treatment. It is found that the size and amount of δ phase dispersed at Grain boundaries decreased with the increasing of IHT temperature, and δ phase disappeared when the IHT temperature reached 1 020 ℃. The ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS) of smooth samples increased to a maximum when the IHT temperature reached 980 ℃ and then decreased slightly to a minimum when the IHT temperature was 1 000 ° C, and followed by slight increasing again till the IHT temperature reached 1 020 ℃, resulted from the competition of precipitation strengthening effect of γ "and γ ’phase and the grain boundary weakening effect caused by the gradual disappearance of δ phase with increasing the IHT temperature. Notch factor (qe) decreased but still greater than 1 as the IHT temperature increased, which is attributed to the decrease of the size and amount of δ precipitation.
很多人担心2012年的世界经济,担心欧债危机的蔓延会拖累世界经济再次探底。有人认为欧洲已经衰落,失去了增长的动力;欧洲领袖们则着急让经济重新回到快速增长的轨道,以此化解危机。   经济增长是从根本上解决危机的出路吗?即便危机在短期内被增长掩盖,但长期的问题怎么办?欧洲乃至世界迫切需要的是增长,还是对增长的反思?  资本主义经济体系的特征是“一切都在运转之中”,比如“9·11”之后美国一片风声鹤唳,
一  著名作家,文学研究家阿英(本名钱杏邨),一生嗜书,在文艺研究的多个领域都有重要收获。他早期写有许多文艺评论,还创作了多部历史剧;后期以近现代小说研究为主。由于收藏丰厚,他撰述、辑录有《小说闲谈》《小说二谈》《小说三谈》《小说四谈》《中国新文学运动史资料》《晚清文学丛钞》等多部研究著作。但鲜为人知的是,这位著述丰硕的典型文化人还是一个“老革命”。  近现代中国时局多舛,文化人基于大义,纷纷走出
那还是1967年,读初中的威廉·林赛床头放着三本书:《圣经》、祈祷书和地图册,他最喜欢翻阅地图册,手指沿着长城的雉堞线滑过,脑中幻想着长大后从长城的一端走到另一端28年前,当29岁的英国小伙威廉·林赛带着一股探险家精神深入中国河西腹地,看到万里长城的其中一小段时,他大概没想过,原本想要征服的这个庞然大物,后来却与他建立了一种相互陪伴的关系,一直持续到现在。  自从来到中国,威廉·林赛一直是国内媒体