青岛市建置百余年,几经变革,已由一个小渔村发展成为一个占地10654平方公里,人口670万,下辖一园、七区、五市的在国外小有名气,在国内举足轻重的城市,天时、地利、人和,这个城市正在发展,面貌急剧变化。但如何能把城市建得美好、科学,如何建得节省资金而城市价值又与日俱增。作为一个城市的子民,颇有些思考,愿与父老共议,愿供专家参考。 我认为青岛城市发展已到了一个关口,应该抓住机遇,精心规划,再建青岛。
After several hundred years of reform and opening up, Qingdao City has evolved from a small fishing village to an area of 10,654 square kilometers with a population of 6.7 million. It has a well-known overseas reputation in one park, seven districts and five cities, and plays a decisive role in the country City, weather, geography, people, the city is developing, the rapid change of appearance. But how to build a beautiful city, science, how to build a city to save money and the city’s value is increasing. As a citizen of the city, quite some thinking, is willing to discuss with his father, is willing to provide expert reference. I think the urban development in Qingdao has reached a threshold, we should seize the opportunity to carefully plan and build Qingdao.